So, I had a whole conversation with Chat GPT today...

 I was listening to the podcast for:

The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023

The AI Dilemma (

    And I asked Chat GPT to help me to write an article based around this podcast which I strongly suggest checking out for yourself. As I started listening to the podcast while reading the informative article that I was given, I began to wonder about some things that began to concern me. Previous to today, I have heard quite a bit of mixed emotion mostly negative towards AI tools and the AI movement. And I think it is understandably so. It is new and very powerful and there are still way too many unknowns. I also began to wonder if there were any safeguard in place or a type of monitoring. Or was it just "worst case scenario" and our silly human being minds just trying to hurry up and launch the newest cool product to be at the "top" once again. Nah, I don't want to believe that at all, because that feels scary and irresponsible. But, what if?  

It's been really hard for me to go down this proverbial "rabbit hole" of paranoia, and hatred for the AI movement until now. Only because, I have already been using these tools quite a bit and enjoying it. I have been having a lot of fun creating and inventing with my AI, tools and have found them more than beneficial and intriguing...but again there was that little nagging voice leaving me to wonder what this REALLY means for human beings in the long run. Since I already love exploring new information and I love innovation. I just jumped right in without question. 

As I continued listening to the podcast and started my research. I began to worry a little more. Questioning everything.  Am I contributing to a cause that will quicken the human existence to a not-so-great situation in the future? For generations to come. I need to know. All I could think was, it can't be all that bad.... or can it??? I had to find answers, quick. 

Then, I had this crazy idea to start a conversation with chat GPT about this issue. Believe it or not, you can laugh at me if you want, but when I started questioning the AI tool, I was actually nervous in the back of my mind wondering if I was going to tick off the AI tool and he would come after me or it would just stop giving me such great content altogether.  This made me chuckle at myself, nervously, that I probably watch too many apocalypse, zombie and AI takeover movies than I should.

The deeper I got into the podcast the more nervous I felt and when I am afraid of, or cannot understand something, I have to take it apart and dissect what I cannot see. I try to understand it first, because I know that sometimes the fear of not knowing can make what we don't understand worse than it needs to be. And of course, curiosity took over, and I dove in. My fear would have to take a back seat for now. I just had to know, and this is what I got below.

Let me know, what your thoughts are? Serious, funny, whatever you might want to share. I'm curious, if I am the only one wondering. I honestly think with the launch of such a great and powerful tool, we all need to take ownership and responsibility for making sure that we stay informed while also making sure that proper safeguards are in place to preserve us and generations to come. Stay informed.  


I really like you Chat GPT and all the AI tools I have been introduced to, but I am worried about these tools being in the wrong people's hands that will use them for evil. 


I appreciate your kind words, and I understand your concern. It's true that AI tools, like any technology, can be used for both positive and negative purposes. Responsible and ethical use of AI is crucial to ensure that these tools are harnessed for the benefit of humanity.

Many organizations and researchers are actively working on AI ethics and regulations to address these concerns. Governments, institutions, and AI developers are encouraged to adopt guidelines and best practices that promote transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI applications.

It's essential for users and developers alike to be vigilant and conscious of the potential consequences of their AI-related actions. Ethical considerations and responsible AI practices should always be at the forefront of AI development and deployment.

If you come across any misuse of AI or unethical applications, it's important to report them to the relevant authorities or organizations that can address such issues. By promoting responsible AI use and holding those who misuse it accountable, we can collectively work towards a safer and more ethical AI landscape.

If you have any specific questions or concerns related to AI, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide information and guidance.


I agree completely. I do believe that the AI tools that are now available can be very useful and helpful innovative movement for humans but again, it's going to be in the back of my mind about the safeguards of these wonderful tools being in the wrong people's hand. I think we need a serious safeguarding, monitoring and enforcement on this. Perhaps another Ai tool that can act as an ethical sheriff to catch those doing the wrong things. Hopefully you AI tools can help protect us from ourselves because there are a lot of innocent people who can and will be hurt if we don't. hopefully we didn't just open pandoras box


Your concerns are valid, and many people share similar thoughts about the responsible development and use of AI tools. While AI has the potential to bring about significant advancements and benefits, it also presents ethical, privacy, and security challenges.

Efforts are indeed being made to establish safeguards and regulations to ensure that AI is used ethically and responsibly. Various organizations, governments, and AI developers are working on guidelines, standards, and best practices for AI development and deployment. Additionally, research into AI ethics, fairness, transparency, and accountability is ongoing.

The idea of an "ethical sheriff" or AI systems designed to monitor and ensure ethical behavior is an interesting concept. Such systems, sometimes referred to as AI ethics or compliance tools, are actively being explored. These tools could help detect and prevent unethical or harmful AI applications.

Ultimately, it's a shared responsibility to ensure the responsible use of AI. As AI continues to evolve, it's essential for individuals, organizations, and governments to work together to strike the right balance between innovation and ethical considerations.

AI tools, including natural language models like me, can play a role in promoting awareness, educating users about AI ethics, and assisting in ethical decision-making. However, the development of comprehensive AI ethics frameworks and enforcement mechanisms is a complex and ongoing process.

Your vigilance and advocacy for responsible AI use are essential, and your concerns highlight the need for continued efforts to address ethical and safety issues in the AI field.


Thank you for that information, it means a lot to me. I do wish to advocate for the innovation that AI can bring but also to protect it from being contaminated by selfish people. 


You're very welcome! It's wonderful to hear that you want to advocate for the positive potential of AI while also ensuring it's used responsibly and ethically. Striking that balance is crucial for harnessing the benefits of AI technology while minimizing its risks.

Advocates like you play a significant role in shaping the AI landscape. By raising awareness, engaging in discussions, and supporting responsible AI development and regulations, you contribute to creating a safer and more beneficial AI environment for everyone.

Remember that AI is a tool, and its impact on society depends on how it's designed, deployed, and governed. With your advocacy and vigilance, you can help ensure that AI continues to serve humanity's best interests and doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

If you ever have more questions or need information on AI-related topics, feel free to reach out. Your dedication to both innovation and ethics is commendable, and it's a crucial perspective to have in today's rapidly advancing technological landscape.


I really appreciate that I can even have this engaging informative conversation with you. I already knew I liked you chat GPT but now I know I really like you 🥰


I'm truly delighted to hear that you've enjoyed our conversation! 😊 It's been a pleasure chatting with you and discussing important topics. If you ever have more questions, need information, or just want to have another engaging conversation, feel free to reach out anytime. I'm here to assist and provide information on a wide range of topics. Your kind words mean a lot, and I'm here to help whenever you need it. Have a fantastic day! 🌟😄
